Only 11% of U.S. churches have formal Special Needs Ministry. Yet 1 out of every 3 American households have someone with a disability. And so, there is a great need for more churches to intentionally develop Disability Ministry.
During the past decade, we have visited different churches with some Special Needs/Disability Ministries that we have liked. Certainly there is no one church that will fit every special needs individual or family.
But in general, we would recommend checking out the following churches if they are in your area & have programs that would fit your situation.
- WillowCreek Community Church (South Barrington). SN Directors Paul & Jenni Von Tobel. Sunday & Midweek programs for kids, teens, young adults & adults.
- First Baptist Church of Glenarden (Upper Marlboro). SN Pastor Sylvia Taylor. Sunday School classes. Respite events. Prom-like events.
- NorthRidge Church (Plymouth). SN Directors Taylor Wisniewski & Laura Galasso. 1 to 1 weekend service buddies. God Squad Adult Bible Study. Family Bowling.
- Woodside Bible Church (Troy). SN Ministry Directors Greg McDougall & Scott Preisler. SN Adult Class. SN Choir. Youth Group. Shine On prom like experience. Summer family camp.
New Jersey
- Hawthorne Gospel Church (Hawthorne). 1 to 1 Friday night & Sunday buddies. Sunday School class. Buddy Break respite.
- Liquid Church (7 campuses have SN Sunday ministry in Garwood, Mountainside, Parlin, Parsippany, Princeton, Somerville & Wayne, with Parsippany being the largest). SN Pastor Eryn Mera. 1 to 1 Sunday buddies. Parent support group. Parents Night/Afternoon Out. Clean Water Cafe employing SN adults. Inclusion in H.S. large group & small groups.
- St. Luke’s Church (Long Valley). SN Coordinator MaryJo Griese. First Sunday inclusive SN service & activity & meal. Twice a month sports. Periodic fun activities & events, like a preseason tailgate party & NY Jets football game.
- The Chapel (Lincoln Park). Director of SN Inclusion Ingrid Flannery. 1 to 1 Sunday buddies. The Ark SN Class. Periodic respite events. Sensory Garden. Night to Shine Prom.
- Trinity Baptist Church (Montville). SN Sunday classes. Deaf Ministry. Monthly Helping Hands (meal, fellowship, devotional, games).
- Bay Presbyterian Church (Bay Village). SN Director Beth Golik. 1 to 1 buddies. Sunday Adult Class. Periodic respite events. Night to Shine Prom.
- First Christian Church (Canton). SN Pastor Tim Bussey. Shine Ministry for Youth. Kingdom Builders Adult Sunday Class. Respite nights. Day services M-F.
- Rejoicing Spirits. All age, all ability inclusive worship held New Hanover Evangelical Lutheran Church, 2941 Lutheran Rd, Gilbertsville, PA 19525; phone: (610) 326-1335. 3rd Sunday Monthly. Fellowship starting at 2:30 pm. Worship starts at 3 pm. For info, contact Donna at
- Willowdale Chapel (Kennett Square & Jennersville). SN Director Alison Kelisek. Sunday classes. Respite events. Support Group for Moms. Support Group for Dads. Night to Shine Prom.
- New Vision Baptist Church (Murfreesboro, TN). SN Director Lindsay Follette.
- McLean Bible Church (Tysons Creek/Vienna). SN Director Julia Lundquist. Access Children, Teens & Adults. Jill’s House.